Tina Grotzer

Tina Grotzer is a member of the Faculty of Education and a Principal Research Scientist at Harvard University. 

She is a cognitive and learning scientist who studies learning as it relates to the complexity of our world and specifically to sustainability and climate education. She is passionate about making climate education more inclusive, as well as shifting mindsets from short to long-term thinking and towards more global, collective perspectives. 

Tina is the Faculty Directory of the Next Level Lab (NLL) with a focus on the future of work in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Her work with NLL seeks to redefine visions of optimal learning and work performance with project strands focused on what it means to be an expert learner and on preparing for green jobs for the future. This work includes repositions how the teaching of thinking is conceptualized given the substantial research basis in cognitive and neuroscience on how minds work. 

Tina is also the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Cognition in a Complex World Lab focused on the challenges of reasoning about complexity and developing instructional supports for developing sustainability-minded citizens and a PI on the EcoLEARN team which develops virtual worlds and other immersive, technology-based experiences to support understanding of ecosystems dynamics. 

Tina's publications include many articles, book chapters, and a book on learning complex causality.

Her awards include a National Science Foundation Career Award, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the United States Government, and the Morningstar Teaching Award from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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