
October, 2022

The restrictions in Melbourne, the most locked down city in the world, no longer exist! While understandable with the current state of the world, that doesn’t mean that all returns to the way it was before the totally unexpected arrival of the pandemic. The good news is that Melbourne is gradually returning with the attributes that named it the World’s Most Liveable City in the annual Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Global Liveability Index. Late in 2017, (before the pandemic) Melbourne won this title for the seventh consecutive year!

The ongoing, unwanted postponements of ICOT Melbourne were unavoidable for ICOT to be all that it is known for, and more. Thank you very much to the Melbourne Convention Centre. Your belief in the importance and quality of ICOT and continued support of this event despite the date changes has made a very big difference as the challenges have been navigated. A concrete benefit for this postponement is that ICOT in Melbourne, July 2024 will be an in-person event full of opportunities with provocations for thinking, idea sharing, learning and networking within ICOT including social events and Learning Journeys around Melbourne plus the possibility for people who can, to give themselves time for an Australian holiday!

Karin Morrison

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 +61 1300 870 195 / +61 3 9020 2684


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